"Modern life has us enmeshed in a web of unwanted and unnecessary commitments. Most of us spend the majority of our time doing things we don’t want to do. We join committees because we think they’ll look good on our resumes, go to birthday parties out of obligation, attend inane meetings, stay in bad relationships out of fear, take on unwanted work projects to gain favor with our bosses, stay in jobs we don’t like instead of quitting.
Unwanted commitments seem to beget more unwanted commitments. They’re like lies: they multiply fast. If you take on an unwanted project to please your boss, then the next time a similar project comes by she’ll throw it in your lap. If you unhappily go to an acquaintances birthday party out of sense of obligation, they’re likely to invite you over for dinner, or call you more often. You get my drift.
What Does this Have to do with Productivity?"
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The Growing Life: Quiting Things and Flakiness The #1 Productivity Anti-Hack